Perkembangan, metode pendekatan dan tantangan manajemen sumber daya manusia


  • Ni Wayan Mujiati Universitas Udayana



Development, Approach Method, HRM Challenges


The development of human resource management (HR) is driven by the progress of civilization, scientific education and the demands of society to compete, survive and develop in producing goods or services. Experts in the 20th century developed HRM into a field of study that specifically studies the role of human development in achieving organizational or company goals. The three approaches used to understand human resource management are: a) conventional or mechanical approaches; b) paternalistic approach; c) social or contemporary systems approach. Human resource management challenges are relatively tougher to face in countries where corporate culture is more dependent on top managers or company owners. Identified challenges faced by HRM that need to be overcome in the face of an open business, full of competition in a free trade system including: external challenges and internal or organizational challenges.


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Author Biography

Ni Wayan Mujiati, Universitas Udayana

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis


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Barry Cushway. 1994. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Alex Media Komputindo. Jakarta.

Garry Dessler. 1997. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. PT. Prenhalindo. Jakarta.

Heidjrachman Ranupandojo, Suad Husnan. 1996. Manajemen Personalia. BPFE. Yogyakarta.

Yusuf Suit Almasdi. 1996. Aspek Sikap Mental dalam Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Ghalie Indonesia. Jakarta.



How to Cite

Mujiati, N. W. . (2023). Perkembangan, metode pendekatan dan tantangan manajemen sumber daya manusia. Forum Manajemen, 21(1), 68–86.